Life Teach

Holi the festival of is mainly celeberate in two country Nepal and india.In nepal it takes place on the full moon day in Nepali Fagu month (February to March in Solar Calendar) and lasts for 2 days. This festival was held from March 20 to 21, 2019, and falls on March 9 to 10, 2020.In India . the festival signifies the arrival of spring, the end of winter, the blossoming of love, and for many a festive day to meet others, play and laugh, forget and forgive, and repair broken relationships.


Holi is an important spring festival for Hindus, a national holiday in India and Nepal with regional holidays in other countries. To many Hindus and some non-Hindus, it is a playful cultural event and an excuse to throw coloured water at friends or strangers in jest. It is also observed broadly in the Indian subcontinent. Holi is celebrated at the end of winter, on the last full moon day of the Hindu luni-solar calendar month marking the spring, making the date vary with the lunar cycle.[note 1] The date falls typically in March, but sometimes late February of the Gregorian calendar.

The festival has many purposes; most prominently, it celebrates the beginning of Spring. In 17th century literature, it was identified as a festival that celebrated agriculture, commemorated good spring harvests and the fertile land.Hindus believe it is a time of enjoying spring's abundant colours and saying farewell to winter. To many Hindus, Holi festivities mark the beginning of the new year as well as an occasion to reset and renew ruptured relationships, end conflicts and rid themselves of accumulated emotional impurities from the past.
It also has a religious purpose, symbolically signified by the legend of Holika. The night before Holi, bonfires are lit in a ceremony known as Holika Dahan (burning of Holika) or Little Holi. People gather near fires, sing and dance. The next day, Holi, also known as Dhuli in Sanskrit, or DhulhetiDhulandi or Dhulendi, is celebrated.

In Northern parts of India, Children and youth spray coloured powder solutions (gulal) at each other, laugh and celebrate, while adults smear dry coloured powder (abir) on each other's faces. Visitors to homes are first teased with colours, then served with Holi delicacies (such as puranpolidahi-bada and gujia), desserts and drinks. After playing with colours, and cleaning up, people bathe, put on clean clothes, and visit friends and family.

History of Holi

1.Long before water balloons and pichkaaris, Holi was only an idea- an idea that transpired to become one of the most amusing festivals of the world. Yes, Holi is the festival of colours. But what does colour symbolize here? We are never certain. But we always hope that colouring something gives life to it. And thereby, perhaps Holi is the celebration of life itself. Holi accolades life, love, its vitality, its passion.
There are stories that date back the origin of Holi and recounts tales in mythology that trace the advent of our attempt at painting the human race more colourful. Maybe they are true, maybe they aren’t. But the essence of colour compels us to shun our logical minds in the hope of a dreamy world full of rainbows.
One of the most ancient festivals of India, Holi was also known as “Holika”. Since time immemorial, the festival finds colour in numerous scriptures, such as in works like Jaimini's Purvamimamsa-Sutras and Kathaka-Grhya-Sutras with even detailed descriptions in ancient texts like the Narad Purana and Bhavishyad Purana. The festival of “holikotsav” was also mentioned in the 7th century work, Ratnavali, by King Harsha.
The triumph of good over evil is a tried and tested theme resurfacing in early scriptures time and again. Holi is one such festival with the prime theme of good beating away evil. However, the meaning of the festival has undergone significant changes over centuries. Holi used to be a rite performed by married women praying for their family’s well-being where Raka, the full moon, was worshipped.
The origin of Holi is believed to be before the birth of Christ. Legend goes that Lord Vishnu had assassinated the younger brother of the demon lord, Hiranyakashipu. Apart from avenging his brother’s death, the demon king had the ulterior motive of ruling the heaven, the earth, and the underworld by defeating Vishnu. Powered by a boon granted to him, Hiranyakashipu thought he had become invincible. On his orders, his whole state started praying him, dismissing the gods. But his son, Prahalad, maintained his deity to be none but Vishnu. Angered, the tyrant king decided to kill Prahalad with the help of Holika, Hiranyakashipu’s sister, who was immune to fire. A pyre was lit and Holika sat on it, clutching Prahalad. But Prahalad emerged out of the fire unscathed, whereas Holika burned to ashes. Hiranyakashipu, too, was eventually killed by Vishnu. Even today, the story of Holika is re-enacted by actors on Holi. Bonfires across the country are lit up to celebrate the burning away of the evil spirits.
Celebrated with much pomp and dignity, the Bengali “Dolyatra” marks the final celebration of a Bengali year. Dolyatra popularizes the tale of Radha and her lover, Krishna. Krishna, as a boy would drench girls with water and colours as a sport. Soon, other boys in his village started participating and somehow, it became a tradition to throw colours and water on each other on this special day. As Krishna grew, the game came to signify the colourful and eventful love story of Radha and Krishna. This tradition has transpired through ages to signify the festival of colours across the globe, with its origin solely in the Hindu mythology.
Also known as “Dol Purnima” and “Bashanta Utsav”, Holi itself is manoeuvred into several colours establishing its sense literally into our mind and soul through centuries.
2.Holi is an ancient festival of India and was originally known as 'Holika'. The festivals finds a detailed description in early religious works such as Jaimini's Purvamimamsa-Sutras and Kathaka-Grhya-Sutras. Historians also believe that Holi was celebrated by all Aryans but more so in the Eastern part of India.
It is said that Holi existed several centuries before Christ. However, the meaning of the festival is believed to have changed over the years. Earlier it was a special rite performed by married women for the happiness and well-being of their families and the full moon (Raka) was worshiped.

How holi celeberate.

Holi is celeberate same way in Nepal and India.All kind of religions's people celeberate it peacefully.Holi is celebrated in different dates in Hilly region and Terai region (Southern plains). In Hilly region (where capital Kathmandu is located) , Holi is celebrated on Chaturdashi, a day before Purnima (full moon). In Terai region, it is celebrated on next day on Purnima like in India. Each region has holiday on respective day of celebration. Some areas of Terai region where there is significant population of hill people have holiday on both days.

During Holi, people walk through their neighbourhoods by exchanging colours. Kids spray coloured water on one another with water guns. Throwing water balloons (called lola) at each other has become common during Holi. It is believed that the combination of different colours at this festival takes all sorrow away and makes life itself more colourful.

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